2KVT Semi-Automatic Brick Making
2KVT Semi-Automatic Brick Making
₹ 650,000.00

General Details:
2 bricks: at time
25 mm thickness plates use in: die and closing plate
450 bricks: per hour
Base plate: 25 mm
labour: 3-4
machine type: Semi-automatic machine
Mixer: 4 feet dia 250 kg capacity
mixer base plate: 8 mm side plate 6 mm
Mixer motor: 5 hp three phase
mixer with: 2 nos roller and 2 nos screpper blade
Motor: 5 hp Crompton three phase available
Oil tank: 150 litter
Pallets: not require
Pressure: 50 tone
Pressure control module: use for higher pressure and oil colling
Side plate: 8 mm thick
Sliding type: material feeder
Total power: 10 hp
Weight: 700-750 kg

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Semi Automatic 4kvt brick making machine
Semi Automatic 4kvt brick making machine
₹ 650,000.00

General Details:
Model: Semi Automatic 4kvt brick making machine

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